Happy Thanksgiving


To say I’m thankful for the entire KTK Team would be the understatement of 2024.  I’m thankful for all the times you picked up a class or session and saved me from a mild freak out (and sometimes major).  I’m thankful for the fun texts, emails and calls we’ve had.  I’m thankful for the feedback on recipes, spaces and students.  Above all else, I’m thankful each one of you believes in this mission, this company and this job.  You are unequivocally changings kids’ lives for the better, and you have more of an impact than maybe you realize.  So thank you — for being you.


Let’s not forget that we are there to ASSIST the kids.  They are the ones that should be mincing, mixing, dicing, stirring, flipping and measuring (one more and we have ourselves a 7-pack of direction dwarves!).  We may demonstrate how to do something, but we are not in the food demo game.  Please monitor, hover and jump in as needed, but we are there to teach them, and they learn by doing.


If you are not able to arrive on time (which is minimum 15 minutes before class time), then you will be late. If you are going to be late, you have to call or text me, Emily or the host. This is not optional, this is NECESSARY. Pleasepleaseplease write or store the host’s phone number (provided in The Pantry as contact info for your class) and take down our numbers. Hit traffic or an accident?  CALL AND LET SOMEBODY KNOW.  That’s it.  Very simple.  You won’t be in trouble and nobody will be mad, unless you don’t call and then we get super cranky.   
For the record I can be reached at 617-281-8318 and Emily is 781-962-4000


Can or should a parent sit in on a class?

This is one we (unfortunately) see a lot of.  Great question!

Kids’ Test Kitchen is a kids‘ program, and incorporating parents is difficult, and a significant departure from our norm, not to mention uncomfortable for you and the other kids. If mom/dad was hoping to chop and measure alongside the student, then unfortunately this isn’t the class for them. Parents enjoy popping in at the end of class, and perhaps sampling what their student prepared, but ideally, the only adult working with the students during the course of preparation will be YOU. 

HOWEVER – if a student takes time to get comfortable, we get that, and would totally allow the parent to sit across the room, or outside the room. This is of course with the hope being that as the weeks pass and the student gets comfortable, this would become less necessary. 

IF it’s more than that – and the student requires a 1:1 aide to participate, it’s our hope that that information is shared and managed by the host – ahead of time- and we could work together to come to a solution that benefits everyone.

Please don’t hesitate to ask us for assistance should this arise, and you aren’t sure how to handle.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and gobble till ya wobble.  Nobody puts gravy in the corner.
