Join our team – Facilitators wanted!

Kids’ Test Kitchen is on a mission to redefine kid food.If that mission is exciting to you, please keep reading!Our footprint is growing and we need enthusiastic, motivated, self-starters to help us inspire healthy eaters and redefine kid food!As a KTK Facilitator, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing! 
How? Hands on exposure. Enthusiastic engagement. Pressure free tasting opportunities. Take-home messaging and food!
Lessons focus on whole, real ingredients.
Create supplemental income and fuel your passion to inspire healthy eaters!

Kids’ Test Kitchen is on a mission to inspire healthy eaters and redefine kid food by providing students the opportunity to cook, taste, and then teach their families about nutrient-dense foods.

Kids meet for a series of classes and work to prepare fun snacks, entrées, and side items whose key ingredients are known to be really healthy for us!

Facilitators are our rock stars – you are there to enthusiastically guide the kids through the recipe, ensure that everyone understands the task at hand, encourage exploration and participation, and to be supportive of those who are too nervous to eat. Facilitators win the kids over with their genuine smile, patience, and humor.

Kids’ Test Kitchen classes typically take place after school, and meet once weekly, for a series of weeks. Take on only as much work as you desire, and KTK will keep you local, minimizing your commute so that life’s priorities remain in balance.

Please, if you like what you’ve seen so far, click here for the complete job description and a brief online application.


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